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Feeding Program


The Story of 'Hands of Jesus'

Jesus said in Luke 18:16, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

In 2019 we knew the Lord was prompting us to hold our very first All For Jesus Gospel Campaign in Kamkuywa, Kenya. As the planning progressed, we felt the Lord’s heart for us to invest in the children of Kenya. This is when the Children’s Day was birthed! 


Hundreds of children from all over the small town of Kamkuywa gathered in the school field as we played games, took Polaroid photos, worshipped Jesus, and most importantly, shared the Gospel! Afterwards we prayed over every single child and they experienced the Holy Spirit’s love for them. These precious children went back to their homes that day knowing they were adored by God and they were precious in His eyes! 


Children are so deeply important to Jesus and we feel His heart for them as we minister the Gospel; that is why we are putting much of our focus on reaching the children of Kenya. From sponsoring children to receive their education, to feeding thousands before preaching the Gospel, we believe in following the Word of God’s commands of sowing into this next generation. 

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.


Galatians 6:2




Every Gospel Campaign we hold, we also include a children's day where we provide a meal for every child who attends.




The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation of all we do. Nothing is more important than these children having the opportunity to give their lives to Christ.



We provide hundreds of educational scholarships for children who are orphaned or impoverished and are not able to afford schooling.

How Can I Help?

Becoming a monthly partner

Every donation amount of your choice helps us provide education and meals to children in schools and orphanages in Kenya. We currently fund multiple schools and orphanages in Bungoma County. In the past, we would designate you with a specific child, however, we found over the years that the most optimal impact was made by funding an entire school's education and food rather than sponsoring individual children in different schools. Your monthly support helps us make this possible!

The most effective way you can help us toward meeting these children's needs is by becoming a monthly partner.

This provides reliable income for us each month to know we can feed these children and cover their educational expenses. Every gift received towards Hands of Jesus will enable these incredible children to know that Jesus loves them deeply, He cares about their individual needs, and that He has a plan for their life!


If you would prefer to give via mail, please make the gift payable to "All For Jesus"

and put "Hands of Jesus" in the memo. 

All For Jesus

PO Box 1244

Windermere, FL 34786

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